Heaven Adores You on the Portland Radio Project – Listen for unreleased track “Ocean”

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“One of the producers of the Elliott Smith documentary “Heaven Adores You’, Kevin Moyer, and Elliott’s friend James Clark share stories, about Elliott, his approach to writing lyrics and creating music.

Plus a bonus little tiny gem uncovered from Elliott’s kid-days and possibly the first time he penned lyrics at 14. Check out “Ocean” at approx 32:00 in.”


About the Film:

Heaven Adores You is an intimate, meditative inquiry into the life and music of Elliott Smith (1969 – 2003). By threading the music of Elliott Smith through the dense, yet often isolating landscapes of the three major cities he lived in — Portland, New York City, Los Angeles — Heaven Adores You presents a visual journey and an earnest review of the singer’s prolific songwriting and the impact it continues to have on fans, friends, and fellow musicians. See it now.